Safeguard Your Bottom Line:
Warranty Liabilities Mastery Webinar

Join Our Live Webinar on Tax-Deferred Risk Mitigation and Warranties

FEBRUARY 20, 2024
2:00 - 3:00 MST

What We'll Cover

Business owners, especially those in consumer goods, find themselves contractually liable to many third parties including vendors, customers, contractors, and employees. An 831(b) Plan provides participants an efficient way to mitigate these risks with tax-deferred funds and allows business owners to continue honoring their warranties through economic uncertainty. In fact, through an 831(b) Plan you can turn your cost center into a profit center. 


Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (16)    You Have Unfunded Liabilities 
These liabilities (e.g. service contracts, warranties, protection plans, deductibles, etc.) can seem manageable in the short term, however, over the long term they may pose a risk to a business’s cash flow and overall health.

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (16)   Similarities Between 831(b) and 401k
Much like the 401k tax code allows an employer to set aside tax-deferred dollars for retirement, the 831(b) tax code allows a business to set aside tax-deferred dollars for underinsured and/or uninsured risks.

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (16)    How an 831(b) Plan Can Be a Turnkey Solution
The 831(b) Plan must act just as an ordinary for-profit insurance company would by following the principles of insurance. Having a plan administrator can ensure a turnkey solution. 

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (16)   Warranty Plan Options
When conducting business with a major retailer, you might find yourself bound by their generous warranty policies. Utilizing an 831(b) Plan can help safeguard your business from these liabilities. 

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (16)   The Importance of Your Plan Administrator
How SRA 831(b) Admin stands apart from the herd as your preferred partner in risk mitigation.


Why Join?

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (11)

Learn how to turn a cost center into a profit center

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (10)

Form tools that allow you to honor warranties with tax-deferred funds

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (6)

Uncover the risk mitigation strategies Fortune 500 companies have been using for decades

Safe Harbor Webinar Icons (9)

Prepare for the "what ifs" more efficiently

Allow Us to Explain...

Custom Warranty

Case Study